Garissa MCA promises to construct ECDE centres


Sala ward MCA Hon. Mohamud Barrow has promised to build an ECDE centre in Mororo Township and hire teachers in a bid to stop the children in the riverine ward from learning under trees and roaming the streets as has been the norm.

“It is been unfortunate that since the ward was founded in 2006 none of the past leadership thought it wise  to construct an ECDE centre in the township streets,” he lamented.

Speaking to Education News in Mororo Township, Barrow urged residents to enrol their children to school once the nursery school is completed despite the region’s notoriety for low school attendance.

Given that the township has a population of about 7,000 residents, he noted that it was incomprehensible that a school like Hatata Primary school had an enrolment of less than 600 pupils.

“We should cultivate the culture of taking our children to school because in the modern world those who haven’t attended school are bound to be marooned by society,” he said, further regretting the low enrolment in Mororo Secondary.

He promised that his ward will comply with the government’s 100% transition policy and thus no child from whatever background shall stay out of school.

“In addition, Sala ward has a handsome bursary allocation from the county government and any resident interested should apply as long as they are a bonafide resident of this ward,” the MCA said.

Barrow also urged residents to enroll their children at Madogo Polytechnic to acquire technical skills while decrying its low population.

He called on parents to be better caretakers of their children citing the sad state of children roaming the streets of Garissa town.

“Parents must not allow their children to roam in the streets collecting garbage. That is unacceptable in this era of free primary education.” He said.

By Amoto Ndiewo

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Education News - Newspaper Vol 281