Here are ten leadership lessons from a heroic book

Victor Ochieng'

 In Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do, Dr Robert H Schuller acknowledges that in most cases, leaders are caught right at the centre of the storm. Largely, the putative author warns leaders not to surrender leadership to forces, faces, farces, fences, frustrations, fantasies, fears and foes. Instead, they should surrender leadership to only one thing — faith. Therefore, let us get down to the brass tacks of that great text.

  1. Do not Surrender Leadership to FORCES

In many organisations, sometimes leadership is not at the desk of the executive officer. Somewhat, some top guns surrender leadership to outside forces. Yet, the shoe does not tell the foot how big to grow. Likewise, the body does not surrender growth to the garment. In case you are a leader, you ought to take charge. Do not surrender leadership to forces. Leaders should not allow cash-crunch to impede the speed of progress and success. There is always a way to make moolah. For it is the same author who posits: “There is nothing like money problem, it is always an idea problem, and a good idea attracts money.”

  1. Do not Surrender Leadership to FACES

Many leaders do it. Maybe, when they convene a meeting, and read the mood of the staff. They see a scary eyebrow raised. Or hear an intimidating throat cleared. Through body language, people suggest that they may not support your brilliant thought. You can see their comportment of contempt. You can read the face saying we have been here longer than you have.

You will not make it. You will not crack it. In case you succumb to this, you will surrender leadership to faces. Yet, leadership is a privilege, not a prerogative per se. Meaning, do not be scared by people within the organisation who think they are smarter, brighter or better. Do not forget. It is now your time to lead. God Almighty has placed instruments of power on your mortal hands. Those who think that they can lead better should wait for their time to arrive.

  1. Do not Surrender Leadership to FARCES

Farces are lies, or masks. As a leader, sometimes you will work with pathological liars. Organisations are replete with peddlers of lies. Such people create lies about other colleagues, and bring them to your table. Some can also come up with some stories without arms and legs — just to bring you down or to paint you in bad light – as an irredeemable failure.

  1. Do not Surrender Leadership to FENCES

Ideally, fences are limiting concepts; that as a leader, you allow to influence your goals, desires and dreams. In case you are not careful, this may make you give up. Fences also take the form of negative self-image perceptions such as: I do not have proper education. I do not know the right people. I do not have good connections. I do not have enough money. I do not have a strong spine. I do not have ample time. I am not an eloquent speaker — or believing that you are not in the right organisation. You should have been somewhere else. Surrendering leadership to fences is also lockedin thinking. The thought process that concludes: this idea has never worked before.


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The veracity of the matter is that nobody is guiltier of locked-in thinking than the trained and educated professionals. Through proper training and tutelage, they develop some sort of expertise. Then, they become fixed and conservative. Like talented thespians, they strictly follow the script. They resist change, and new way of doing things with every atom of their strength. Their slogan becomes, this is how we have always done it: old is gold.

  1. Do not Surrender Leadership to FRUSTRATIONS

There are leaders who reach the end of the tether. The game is over. Their fate is tightly sealed. They feel they cannot handle people or the office any more. They cannot handle the government regulations any more. They cannot handle the spate of cash crunch any more. Yet, any dreamer will be frustrated at some painful point. Lack of time and money, high interest rates, disappointments that manifest in form of betrayals. Such forms of frustrations can mount up, but you should never forget: Leadership is management of crisis. Every leader requires the thick skin to ward off every form of failure and frustration.

  1. Do not Surrender Leadership to FANTASIES

As a leader, God will give you a brilliant thought. Albeit, in case you are not careful, you may end up giving in to negative fantasies: I might try it but fail and fall flat. People will laugh at me. What if I try it and fail? Yet, this is the thing. In case your dreams are bigger, there will be no shortage of ridicule. So, as a leader, when rejected, do not feel dejected like a wet hen. 

  1. Do not Surrender Leadership to FEARS

Apostle Paul of Tarsus writes to his protégé in 2 Timothy 1:7: “God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power, love and sound mind.” As a leader, do not be a jailbird of fear. You better try something great and fail. Instead of attempting nothing and succeed. This wide old world admires people who make commitments, and stick their necks out. It is better to try to climb to the top and fail to reach there. Failure is a feature. You may fail, but you are not a failure.

Book cover. Photo:courtesy

Failure really can be an asset if what you are trying to do is to improve, learn, or do something new. There is nothing shameful about being wrong, or changing course. Our capacity to try and not cry connects with our ability and tolerance to fail. On the path to successful action, we are prone to fail, possibly for the umpteenth time. Action and failure are two sides of the same coin. One does not come without the other. What breaks this critical connection down is when people stop acting because they have taken failure the wrong way. This is why failure precedes success.

  1. Do not Surrender Leadership to FAULTS

As a leader, do not give up on an idea because of the possibility of making mistakes, or because of what people will say about it. This is it. There are always problems with every idea. Nevertheless, problems call for polishing. Just polish pale parts. 

  1. Do not Surrender Leadership to FOES

Foes are enemies. There will be people who will stand out as foes. Those who will long for your downfall. In your short stint, there will be people who know how it should be done, but they cannot do it. They will be just there to poke holes on everything, even your shadow. Their work will be to dig for dirt or shit — but fail to see any good or gold. Also, do not surrender leadership to friends or family members. Sometimes, people you trust as friends can turn to foes. Then, bring you down.

  1. Surrender Leadership to FAITH

As a leader, let faith be in control of every decision you make, and every action you take. Look at your life — where you have come from, and where you are eddying. Ask yourself these quality questions: Who is in charge? Who is in control? To whom have you surrendered leadership?

Therefore, this is the conclusion of the matter: Surrender leadership to faith. Surrender leadership to God and core-competencies. Let Him colonise your life, thinking and decisions. As you lead, ask Him three questions. One, who am I? Two, why am I here? Three, where do I want to go? Surrender to Him your fears, insecurities, challenges, and everything. Ask Him to imbue you with wisdom, wit, right judgement, discretion and divine understanding.

By Victor Ochieng’

 The writer rolls out leadership talks and training services. 0704420232

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