How to identify and deal with stress in school and workplace

Doris Foxworth Odito is a professional psychologist and church minister. She can be reached at 0722 - 617 404.

Hello Everyone! Just a reminder that April is the month of Stress Awareness. So that you’ll know the meaning of April, it is recognized as the month of sun and growth. April goes back to Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty and our awareness of creation. Many of us would be cautious to say that April is great; but, it still has its own stresses.

I assume, though NOT a good thing to do, that all of us, if not most of us, have some knowledge of the meaning of stress. So, in brief stress is all about how we react when we feel that we are under pressure or threatened. This normally happens in situations that we feel we cannot manage well. There are quite a number of other factors that defines the characteristics of stress, namely:

 Feeling out of control in situations
 Not having a job or work to do
 Getting fired from a job
 Being worried about something, etc causes of stress

“I was diagnosed with heart disease and I’m feeling so stressed”.
“I’m filing for divorce now, and it’s making me feel stressed.”
“The doctor said that I’m threatening a miscarriage. I’m sad and I’m stressed.”

Positive or happy events can also cause stress as well. For example, winning that 20 million shilling lottery can bring lots of happiness and excitement; but, most people who win in mega lotteries report that they experienced a greater sense of overwhelm and lots of stress when they think about spending all that money.

There are no complete or inclusive signs and symptoms of how stress is manifested and affects individuals. But, it is true that there are lots of different ways that we all respond to stress.

“It was quite a revelation to notice my frantically beating heart, racing thoughts, hyperactive
personality and behaviours all resulted from being massively and permanently stressed out”. signs and symptoms of stress.

Among other common stress signs, if you are stressed, you may experience a few of these symptoms:

 Suicidal thoughts and feelings
 Depressed
 Anxiousness
 Burned down or overwhelmed
 Uninterested in life
 Unable to enjoy yourself, etc

Physical Signs of stress
 Sleeping problems
 Muscle aches and headaches
 Menstrual cycle changes
 High blood pressure
 Extreme fatigue, etc

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms of stress, please get help or talk with your chaplain or pastor at your church. You may even need to see a psychiatrist if your stress has triggered other psychological mental symptoms. The signs and symptoms of stress can get worse. Don’t underestimate what you are experiencing, because high levels of stress can cause other, and more severe or long-term physical health problems as well.

TO BE Continued…….


Teachers decry parents’ reluctance to take special needs children to school

By Doris Foxworth Odito

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Education News - Newspaper Vol 281