Zetech University wins prestigious grant for AI research

Zetech University

A Kenyan university has won an Artificial Intelligence (AI) study research grant to explore its impact in academia.

Zetech University together with Rhodes University won the grant from the National Research Foundation of South Africa.

Zetech’s Dean School of ICT, Media & Engineering, Dr Benjamin Muindi, in collaboration with Dr Chikezie E. Uzuegbunam, Senior Lecturer at Rhodes University, secured the prestigious Knowledge Interchange & Collaboration (KIC) grant from the National Research Foundation of South Africa.

While revealing the win, the university’s Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Academics, Research and Students Affairs Prof Alice Njuguna said that the institutions are keen to conduct the research and disseminate the outcomes for betterment of the education sectors in the two nations.

“This comparative study aligns seamlessly with Zetech University’s core value of innovation and the strategic objective to strengthen research through partnerships with leading institutions like Rhodes University,” she said.

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Their research seeks to understand how students and faculty employ AI in teaching and research, while also examining its legitimacy as an academic tool. The study will be conducted in South African and Kenyan universities.

Recently the University introduced postgraduate programs in Computer Science and Information Technology, alongside collaborations with global tech leaders like Microsoft ADC and International Association of Science Parks (IASP) to further research and develop the tech talent in the region.

By Kamau Njoroge

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