West Pokot enters KICOSCA games in Kakamega as defending champions

Governor Simon Kachapin of West Pokot County. They are the defending champions of the KICOSCA games.

West Pokot County enters the Kenya Inter-County Sports and Cultural Association (KICOSCA) in Kakamega County as defending champions.

Governor Simon Kachapin, the patron of the 11th edition, accompanied his team to the event at Bukhungu Stadium and Mumias Sports Complex.

He said that such games help in identifying and developing talent, as well as encouraging cross-cultural interaction thereby fostering a sense of respect for other people’s values.


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He stressed that these games adequately motivate the public service personnel and prepare them fully for the East Africa Local Authorities Sports and Cultural Association (EALASKA) games.

According to the Secretary General Kimutai Sitienei, periodical elections are normally conducted annually in the Month of August.

The games have attracted different teams participating in volleyball, handball, basketball, choir and cultural dance.

The games, which started on November 26, come to a close tomorrow when the winners will be crowned.

By our reporter

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