Nyandarua County Director of Education Phillip Wambua has revealed that over 670,800 trees have been planted in education institutions in the county.
Wambua said learners, teachers and staff have spearheaded tree-planting exercises in schools to ensure that the forest cover is increased.
The CDE said by so doing, school children get to know the importance of planting trees and its impact on schools and the country at large, promising that his office will supporting such initiatives.
He was speaking at Kiganjo Secondary School during the county’s Education Day where he encouraged children to do the same at home.
“Our KCPE county mean in 2022 was 252.474 and in 2023 the mean improved to 252.77 while in KCSE the mean in 2022 was 3.820 and in 2023 it was 3.910. That is an indicator that we are in the right direction and we will use all means to ensure we continue improving standards of education in all schools in the county,” he added.
By Peter Otuoro
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