Uasin Gishu County Government has submitted 2024/25 Financial Year Annual Development Plan (ADP) to County Assembly for consideration even though it underperformed in the previous year.
Review of the implementation of the previous ADP 2023/2024 indicates that the county government led by Governor Dr Jonathan Bii Chelilim under performed as it failed to implement most of the projects projected in the plan.
During the period under review in the Education sector, the county targeted to increase learner retention through provision of bursaries to 3,200 students.
At the end of the period, 3,851 learners were provided with bursaries and scholarships surpassing the set target by 651.
The county government constructed 25 twin ECD classrooms against a target of 38. This underachievement was occasioned by delayed procurement process and land related issues.
In Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), trainees were provided with capitation grants. Number of trainees enrolled was planned to be 2,280 but the county did not enroll any trainer.
The county had also planned to construct 3 VTC workshops but did not manage to construct any workshop in the year under review. It had also intended to equip 14 VTCs but did not manage any.
The county government however managed to assess all 14 VTCs for Quality Assurance and Standards.
In Early Childhood Development (ECD), the county government constructed 25 classes out of the 38 it had planned to construct.
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It however trained 779 ECD teachers on CBC. It had planned to employ 164 teachers but it has so far not employed.
The government did not roll out ECDE centres feeding programme it had proposed to enroll the programme in 510 centers.
In the Annual Development Plan for 2024/2025 in Education and Vocational Training, the county plans to spend KSh73,370,042 in Pre-Primary Education and Vocational Education and Training 122,461,682.
Pre-primary Infrastructure development will take KSh 43,166,000, Pre-primary quality control and support KSh30,204,042, Vocational Education and Training KSh122,461,682, VTC Infrastructure development KSh5,500,000 and VTC quality control and support KSh116,961,682.
Some of the challenges the count recorded in the education sector include difficult terrain for the proposed sites thus increasing the cost of implementation, skewed socio-economic priorities, inadequate policy and legal framework, weak intergovernmental linkages and stakeholder collaboration among others.
Others were inadequate policy framework establishing ECD centres and a minimum level of funding of preprimary education and VTCs, weak inter-sectoral co-ordination necessary to marshal interventions from relevant sectors.
By Obegi Malack
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