The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is planning to recruit and promote 3,995 teachers. Interested teachers have up to June 2, 2023 to submit their applications online via the Commission’s website.
According to the re-advertisement placed on the commission’s website on May 25, 2023, the positions will include 16 posts for intern teachers in public secondary schools and 7 posts for permanent and pensionable terms in post primary institutions.
Other vacancies are 328 posts for internship in Junior Secondary Schools (JSS), 88 positions for contractual teachers where 2 posts will go to primary and 86 to secondary schools in Garissa, Wajir and Mandera counties; and 49 posts for permanent and pensionable terms in post-primary institutions.
There are 194 slots for those who will be deployed as senior teachers and masters, and deputy head teachers in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) and hard to staff (HTS) counties and sub-counties.
The 194 ASAL and HTS positions will include 26 posts Senior Master IV (C4/T-Scale 9), 10 posts for Senior Teacher II (C2/ T-Scale 7), 69 posts for Deputy Head Teacher II (C4/T-Scale 9) and 89 posts for Senior Teacher II (C2/ T-Scale 7).
The counties and sub-counties include Baringo (Baringo North, Tiaty East, Tiaty West and Marigat Sub-Counties), Garissa, Homa Bay (Suba and Mbita sub-counties), Isiolo, Kajiado (Mashuuru, Loitoktok and Kajiado West sub-counties), Kilifi (Magarini and Ganze sub-counties), Kitui (Mumoni, Mutitu North and Tseikuru), Kwale, Lamu, Mandera, Marsabit, Narok (Narok South, East, West and North sub-counties), Samburu, Taita Taveta, Tana River, Turkana, Wajir and West Pokot.
The vacancies include a whopping 3,313 posts for Principals, Deputy Principals, Senior Masters, Secondary Teachers, Head Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers in secondary and primary schools.
The positions will be distributed as follows: Principal (Regular Secondary School) T-Scale 13 a total of 349 posts and Principal (SNE Secondary School) T-Scale 13 will have 11 posts where Hearing Impairment (7 posts), Visual impairment (2 posts), Physical Impairment (2 posts).
Deputy Principal I T-Scale 13 a total of 9 posts, Deputy Principal II T-Scale 12 will have 363 posts while Deputy Principal III (SNE Secondary School) T-scale 11 has been allocated 13 posts all of them for Hearing Impairment schools; and Deputy Head Teacher II (Regular Primary School) T-Scale 9 has been allocated the lion share of 2,568 posts.
According to the Commission’s roadmap for re-advertisement of recruitment of teachers after the advertisement of the positions which was May 25, 2023, interested teachers have 9 days to make online applications until June 2, 2023.
Thereafter, TSC County Directors will have 5 days from June 12, 2023 to June 16, 2023 to invite shortlisted candidates for interviews before successful teachers reporting to their respective schools on June 26, 2023.
For promotional positions after the online application, teachers have only be given 7 days to submit their application online from May 25, 2023 to May 31, 2023 thereafter shortlisting of applicants as per set criteria will follow, an activity that will also take 7 days from June 2, 2023 to June 8, 2023.
TSC County Directors will have only 5 days to invite the shortlisted candidates for interviews from June 12, 2023 to June 16, 2023. The interviews for the shortlisted candidates have been scheduled from June 19, 2023 to June 23, 2023, taking a total of 5 days with communication of interview results to successful candidates will take 5 days from July 24, 2023 to July 28, 2023.
For permanent and pensionable and contractual positions, the Commission has stated that it will give preference to applicants who have not previously been employed by TSC and that teachers who will be applying will be required to be holders of at least a Diploma in Education and mandatory be registered teacher with the Commission.
For the contractual positions, teachers who will be applying will be required to mandatory be holders of P1 certificate in the case of primary schools and a minimum of a Diploma in Education in the case of secondary schools.
For secondary school intern teachers and those for JSS, the applicants will be required to be holders of at least a diploma in education with a minimum mean Grade of C+ (plus) and C+ (plus) in two teaching Subjects in KCSE or its equivalent.
The TSC internship programme is a one (1) year programme meant to equip and sustain competencies of persons entering the teaching service.
The programme basically targets unemployed registered teachers who will assign to learning institutions where their teaching experience will be enhanced through mentorship, coaching and exposure to practical teaching experience.
The intern teachers in this case for JSS and secondary schools will take home a monthly stipend of Ksh20,000.
By Roy Hezron
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