TSC issues guidelines for recruitment of secondary school teachers

TSC Headquarters in Nairobi.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has issued guidelines for the recruitment of teachers who will be considered to fill the recently advertised vacancies for post primary institutions.

This comes days after the Commission advertised 46,000 vacancies this week, out of which 6,000 teachers will be placed in Primary Schools, 39,550 in Junior Schools and 450 in Secondary Schools.

Applicants will be required to submit their applications to the Secretary, Teachers Service Commission (TSC), through the online platform www.teachersonline.go.ke for the county where a vacancy has been declared.

TSC indicates that Regional, County and Sub-County Directors will first be required to conduct a selection exercise for qualified candidates.

The selection panel will be expected to exercise the highest degree of transparency and accountability, as stipulated in the Public Officer Ethics Act and TSC Code of Conduct and Ethics (CoCE, 2015).

The Regional Directors will be required to induct their County Directors within their areas of jurisdiction, who in turn are expected to induct members of the Selection Panels involved in the recruitment process on the relevant Sections of the Act and the Code of Regulations for Teachers (CORT, 2015) before commencement of the selection exercise.

Sub-County Directors in liaison with their respective County Directors must ensure that venues for the selection process are accessible to applicants with disabilities.

All applicants must be registered teachers as per Section 23(1) of the TSC Act, 2012.


TSC advertises 46,000 vacant positions for teachers

Applicants who re-sat either KCPE or KCSE examinations (or their equivalents) MUST present certified copies of the certificate(s) of the national examination(s) for all attempts. Copies of Certificates must be certified by the Sub-County Directors.

In the event the exam was cancelled applicants must present a letter from the Head of Institution together with a certified copy of the KNEC print-out from the school confirming the cancellation.

Upon generation of Applicants’ Lists, the County Director shall share the lists with the TSC Sub-County Directors who shall convene with the Sub-County Selection Panel(s).

The Selection Panel(s) shall then identify interview venues, dates and time which shall be communicated to the TSC Headquarters for verification and publishing.

All the applicants shall be invited for the verification of documents and be informed of the details through the TSC website at least 7 days from the date of publishing.

By Obegi Malack | obegimalack@gmail.com

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