Trans Nzoia Education Director announces smooth distribution of exams in 1107 centres

County Director of Education Trans-Nzoia Dr. Pamela Akelo addressing parents, teachers and students at AIC Moi Boys High school Kaplamai Cherangany. Photo/Osborn Ben

The County Director of Education, Dr. Pamela Akello has announced that the distribution of National Examination papers for KCPE and KPSEA candidates unfolded smoothly in 1107 centres in Trans Nzoia County.

Dr. Akello disclosed that 35,718 candidates sat for the KCPE exam with 17,175 female candidates and 18,543 male candidates.

“On the other hand, 31,524 candidates took the KPSEA exam consisting of 15,492 female candidates and 16,032 male candidates,” she stated.

Dr. Akello expressed her satisfaction with the substantial number of female candidates.

She also assured the public that robust measures had been implemented to prevent cheating during the examinations.

County Commissioner Gideon Oyagi emphasized the bolstered security in all 1107 exam centers and the strategic placement of emergency vehicles to deal with potential flood risks brought about by heavy rains.

Meanwhile, at Kitale School, Headteacher David Luganda conveyed his hope for the success of the 355 KCPE and 333 KPSEA candidates, lauding their diligent preparation and the school’s commitment to upholding ethical exam conduct.

By Osborne Benn 

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