Touch school capitation funds at your peril, Kaiti MP tells govt

Kaiti MP Joshua Kimilu at St Paul Kyamuthei Boys. He dared the government to touch school capitation funds. Photo/ Lydia Ngoolo.

Kaiti MP Joshua Kimilu has dared the government to reduce school capitation funds, warning that it will result in increase in fees and a resultant backlash from parents.

Arguing that the capitation should be increased instead, Kimilu said parents should not be overburdened as they are already going through tough times.

Speaking during the presentation of a new bus to St Paul Kyamuthei Boys Secondary, Kimilu said even though the government is working with the 2023 budget after the current one was rejected, other ways of raising funds must be sought.

“I thank God for Gen Z demonstrations since we had tried as MPs but no one was listening to us. Things are a bit better now,” said Kimilu, pointing out that the country needs serious people who will help it move forward.

The leader at the same time called upon parents to monitor their children and engage them at home, asking them to restrain them from joining protests.


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By Lydia Ngoolo

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