Teaching under CBC is more than just showing up for work

Pupils of Esilalei Primary School in Kajiado Central during a CBC lesson. Teachers have to get involved in the holistic development of children under this curriculum.

There’s this common phrase “Teach and Go Home” and abbreviated as TAGH. The tagline always comes up among our teachers when an occurrence gravitating towards disciplinary action is committed.

The phrase is meant to rally teachers to mind only their classroom duties and go home in a bid to evade disciplinary cases.

It is worthy to note that the role of a teacher hasn’t changed over time. Tutors still have the cardinal role of guiding learners towards new information. For those who think and take teaching as a profession more than a trade, they will begin to appreciate the complexity of a teacher’s job.

With the competency based curriculum, teachers are expected to not only teach and go home, but also be aware of the changing trends  in the teaching and learning environment.

The Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) expects a teacher (now referred to as the facilitator) to offer rich, unique learning experiences to their learners. Many will bear me witness that, today, learning is no longer confined to the classroom environment. It is linked to home, the community and the digital world. A source of information is no longer books as it were traditionally.

This therefore calls for the teacher to be aware that their role will to a larger extent encompass the creation of meaningful experiences for the learners, appreciating technology to support teaching and learning, engaging in research on effective teaching/learning strategies, providing mentorship, and inspiring learners.

In view of this, it is evident that teaching and going home will not only leave the learners deficient of knowledge, skills and the desired attitudes, but will also subject the tutors to a calamitous desert of ignorance if mono mindedness on what should be happening in the arena of competency-based learning is the bottomline of their engagement.


KEPSHA asks MPs to raise capitation to primary schools

By Joseph Kiptoo

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