Teachers urged to live within their means to avoid mental health problems

Nakuru County TSC Director Japhat Kariuki. He has told teachers to plan their finances to avoid mental health problems.

Teachers have been urged to live within their means to avoid falling into mental health problems, which have been a major stumbling block in the profession.

Nakuru County TSC Director Japhat Kariuki said many cases of mental health affecting teachers are associated with mismanagement of finances.

He urged teachers to plan their finances well so that all of it is utilized the best way for their own benefit and their families’ because resources are meant to improve welfare.

“We urge teachers to manage their finances and resources well so that they become economically stable  and provide better services in their work stations,” said Kariuki.


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The TSC boss advised teachers to avoid taking unnecessary loans from financial institutions because as a commission, they have seen many teachers fall into serious depression after expending it on no tangible project.

“We have seen teachers who took loans of Ksh2 million, bought a vehicle, the vehicle breaks down and he has to repay the loan,” he said, saying frustrations set in immediately such businesses fail.

He pointed out that though the commission supports such entrepreneurial spirit, it cannot allow the disappointments to meddle in the delivery of service by teachers.

Observing that teachers have a responsibility for their families, he said the challenges they face must be addressed soberly for the sake of their children and society at large.

By Peter Otuoro

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