Teachers had nothing to celebrate on Labour Day, unionist says

KUPPET Makueni County Executive Secretary Justus Kimeu. he has said teachers had nothing to celebrate on Labour Day.

As the nation marked Labour Day yesterday, Makueni County’s KUPPET Executive Secretary Justus Kimeu noted that teachers had little or nothing to celebrate due to the tough economic times.

The unionist said that teachers’ salaries had not been reviewed for the last four years despite the high cost of living.

“The same salary has new deductions like NSSF and housing levy diminishing the salary even more, bearing in mind the salary is still insignificant,” Kimeu said.

He pointed out that teachers are depressed, giving an example of the JSS teachers who are getting Ksh17,000 in such a tough economy.

“The situation is even worsened by the Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria’s proposal to have permanent and pensionable civil servants converted to contract workers,” he said, asking employers to hasten the signing of a new CBA that should have a salary component.

He asked union leaders to be candid on salary reviews for teachers.

On intern teachers, Kimeu said they should be confirmed and compensated.

“As per the employment and labour relations and court ruling there are no intern teachers, thus TSC should confirm them and start processing their compensation even as they continue working,” the unionist said.


MP seeks to know why there is disparity in teacher promotion in Bomet

By Lydia Ngoolo

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Education News - Newspaper Vol 281