Rongo University lectures to continue despite ongoing dons’ strike
The Rongo University Senate convened a meeting yesterday…
Education News | The Leading Newspaper on Education News
Education News is the leading newspaper on matters education in Kenya. The fortnightly paper is widely read by teachers, students, lecturers, parents a d other education stakeholders.
The Rongo University Senate convened a meeting yesterday…
Education Cabinet Secretary (CS) Julius Ogamba has said…
Nominated Senator Esther Okenyuri has raised concern regarding…
Nominated Senator Senator Hamida Kibwana has called for…
The Senate County Public Investments and Special Funds…
West Pokot Governor Simon Kachapin is facing scrutiny…
Nandi County Senator Samson Cherargei has faulted the…
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has revealed the…
The government has been urged to streamline bursaries…
The Senate Committee on County Public Investments and…
Nominated Senator Crystal Asige has demanded answers from…
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been urged…
The Senate Committee on Trade and Tourism has…
Education stakeholders have endorsed the County Vocational Education…
Kajiado County Governor Joseph ole Lenku has said…
The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET)…
A total of 6,466 P1 trained teachers with…
The Senate National Cohesion Committee has opposed the…
The Senate Committee on Education Chairman Mr. Joe…
The P1 teachers with ‘A’ level academic qualifications…