The controller of Budget Dr Margaret Nyakang’o has stated that county governments have full mandate of issuing bursaries to only pre-primary and village polytechnics.
In the letter dated, January 14, 2025 Dr Nyakang’o detailed clear distribution of functions between the county and National Government which she said the former should be aware of while issuing education bursaries.
“Part 1 of the Fourth Schedule under Section 16 designates universities, tertiary educational institutions, primary schools, special education, secondary schools, and special education institutions as functions of the national government,” a section of Dr Nyakang’o letter read.
She also stated that part 2 of the Fourth Schedule under Section 9 assigns pre-primary education, village polytechnics, home craft centres and childcare facilities to county governments.
Dr Nyakang’o stated that for county governments who wish to issue education bursaries to students in levels designated for the national government, they must follow due process.
This will involve the formulation of an intergovernmental agreement executed by an authorised person and will also be required to be published in the Kenya Gazette.
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“Any requisition for withdrawal of funds to perform functions categorised as national government functions under Part I of the Fourth Schedule must be accompanied by the requisite intergovernmental agreement as prescribed,” she stated.
Since formation of county governments they have been issuing bursaries to students in all levels including secondary schools, colleges and universities, with most of the counties failing to account for the money released.
Some county governments had also tried to come up with laws that allow Members of the County Assembly to have the role of issuing bursaries.
The major role of the Members of the County Assembly in Kenya is legislation, representation, and oversight.
By Obegi Malack
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