There will be 26 school teams from different sub ounties in Bungoma County who will be battling in the forthcoming County level Kenya Secondary School Sports Association (KSSSA) Two Two Rugby 7s in boys’ category.
In the matches scheduled to kick off on Wednesday on June 19, 2024 at Kibabii Boys grounds, the schools have been grouped in four different pools with each team keen to give the best at the competition and emerge the best across the county in rugby.
Pool A will boast a line-up with the hosts Kibabii, Kimobo, Kabula, Cheptais, Kakamwe, Terem, and Maanga ready to battle it out for supremacy.
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Pool B has Bungoma School, Kapsokwany, Khasoko, Toroso, Lukhuna, Kaprikwa, and Butonge. Friends School Kamusinga, Sikusi, Savannah, Musembe, Netima, and Saint Antony Sirisia get poised for intense competition in Pool C.
Pool D will see Kamusinde, Teremi boys, Saint Mathews, Maliki, Kimaeti, and Bokoli face off to see who emerges as the fiercest one in battle of the best of the best.
Consequently, in the girls’ category, the competition will see just two pools competing in the rugby 7s with 10 girls school featuring in the county level.
The competition Pool A will witness Moi Girls Kamusinga, Kongit Saint Cecilia, Musembe, and Bukokholo vying for the top spot, while Pool B will will have Matili, Kimobo, Nalondo, Mbakalo Girls, Chwele, and Netima.
The Nationals will hold in Kisii later this year.
By Vostine Ratemo
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