Polio vaccination for school children begins in West Pokot

School going children line up to receive the Polio vaccination.

As the campaign for Polio vaccination continues, West Pokot county began implementing the programme starting late last week.

The targeted areas include primary schools, churches and homes.

According to Cornelius Korir,  a nurse at Kapenguria Referral Hospital, the Polio vaccine is administered to children aged below 10 years.

Korir said that the vaccination will be administered to learners in; Totum, Tampalal, Nasokol, Kapyemut,  Nateleng, Kodongou Nangrotum and Kaplelachkoror Primary schools.

He urged parents to present their children for vaccination.

“Polio vaccination is very necessary for children as healthy learners remain focused while in class,” head teacher of Tampalal Primary school, Christine Lotee, said.

By Martin Ruto

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