Kericho County Director of Education Julius Ngoneshi has urged parents and guardians to take their responsibility of paying fees promptly to enable schools operate efficiently.
Ngoneshi while speaking at Kericho high school today during a prayer meeting said the delayed payment of school fee arrears is a great hindrance to critical operations of many schools.
“As a parent, I am aware of the tough economic challenges which are prevalent in our country and elsewhere, but it is our noble duty and obligation to promptly pay school fees for our sons and daughters in schools. Delayed or non payment seriously affects the day to day operations of our educational institutions, it makes the management led by the Principal have rough time running the schools, “he said.
The CDE said they were cognizant of the financial challenges faced by parents, but said at this critical moment they should go an extra mile in alleviating the challenges faced by the schools where their children study.
Last year, school heads in most institutions faced challenges of sky rocketing food and other essential commodity prices, which made life at the institutions unbearable.
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He further, urged the students to concentrate on robust revision after completion of the syllabus.
At the same time, Kericho high senior principal Richard Mibei lauded the parents who had paid school fees in time.
He revealed that the institution had adopted a policy of not sending form four students home for fees so as to enable them have quality study time and he hoped the parents will appreciate the gesture.
He expressed great optimism on this year’s candidate class christened the “Conqurors,”saying they will surpass all expectations due to robust preparedness that has been undertaken by their teachers.
By Benedict Ngétich
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