Parents urged to bring out their children with disability to get help

Wesley Mosop, the secretary of the Disability Awareness and Information Network.

Parents and guardians who have physically challenged children in their homes have been urged to take their children to school instead of hiding them.

These were the sentiments of Wesley Mosop, the secretary of the Disability Awareness and Information Network.

Speaking to Education News at Psigirio Village after attending a cattle dip meeting, Mosop pleaded with the parents to bring the children out of their hideouts so that they can be supported.

‘’I plead with you parents and guardians to fully educate the physically challenged children instead of hiding them at homes. Once educated and supported they will be  of great help to the nation and the society,’’ Mosop said.


People living with disability get sensitized on their rights in Nyamira

The major aim of  Disability Awareness and Information Network for People with Disability is to promote advocacy, registration and access to information and funds. It also aims at making people with disability know their rights and Disability Act 2023.

‘’I know quite a number of physically challenged people who hold key positions in government, parastatals, big companies and NGOs,’’ Mosop said.

By Martin Ruto 

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