Parents told to help children embrace reading culture this holiday

Dr Evans Mecha (left) with Kelvin Omwando. Mecha asked parents to inculcate a reading culture in their children during this long holiday.

Kisii University don Dr Evans Mecha has appealed to parents to use this December and other school holidays to instil the culture of reading in their children.

He asked parents to copy and embrace the traditional culture where elders walked with the youth and taught them practical lessons as apprentices.

The don, flanked by his colleague Dr Christopher Okemwa, was speaking to parents and their children during family holiday retreats at Hotel Humphrey on the outskirts of Kisii town.

Dr Okemwa asked teachers and parents to encourage their children to read fiction books to enable them widen their scope of creativity for easier comprehension of the world surrounding them.

Eng. Moses Okemwa, who organized the event, promises to blend science and traditional culture to conserve the environment.

He mourned the declining reading culture among the youth and attributed it to the carefree attitude exhibited by adults who only think that reading is meant for those preparing to pass examinations.

He also blamed the ever evolving technology that has digitalized every service for easy work that has made man to be a lazy reader.


Help children develop reading culture, Nominated Senator says

“Digitalization is good but it has reduced the brains of men from thinking further than what is computerized instead of brain work,” he said.

The don, who is an author of many vernacular books, asked communities to write books in their mother tongue to enable young readers to conceptualize complex ideas from the known to unknown.

“People are identified by their culture that include our traditional meals and languages; please avoid shying off from these valuable practices,” he said.

The function was graced by Kisii County Director of Cultural Services Nyambane Obino and his tourism counterpart Kelvin Omwando, among others.

Also present was Kisii community cultural experts Mtumoshi Ondieki, Johnson Nyandika and Maoto Nyamoko.

The function was sponsored by Engineer Moses Okemwa who asked communities to instill in their children the culture of taking care of the enviroment.

By Enock Okong’o 

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