Parents of standard eight pupils at Manafwa Primary school in Webuye East sub-county held protests demanding removal of the school Headteacher Mr. Vincent Oduor.
The irate parents closed the school head’s office and denied him entry into the school.
Led by Eveline Lubisia, a parent, they said that some of their children’s names were missing from the school’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) candidates register.
Mrs. Lubisia demanded a thorough explanation from the school head and his immediate transfer.
One Board of Management (BoM) member confided to the press that Mr. Oduor stood accused because he has not been consulting the board members before making decisions.
When contacted for comment, the school head denied the allegations leveled against him saying that he had registered all pupils who met requirements.
Mr. Oduor attributed the parents’ demonstration to political influence.
At the time of going to press, education officials from the Sub County Director’s (SCD) office had convened a crisis meeting at the school.
By Godfrey Wamalwa
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