Over 60.000 students benefit from Nakuru’s bursary kitty

CECM for Education Zipporah Ngugi adressing teachers in Nakuru city.

Over 60,000 students across 11 sub-counties in Nakuru have benefitted from the county’s bursary fund this financial year, CECM for Education Zipporah Ngugi has said.

She said that the County Bursary Fund amounting to Ksh389 million was a clear indication that the county, led by Governor Susan Kihika, had prioritized improving the quality of education.

Speaking in Nakuru city, Ngugi said the bursary has enabled needy students, from primary school to university, to continue their education uninterrupted.

“As we know education is the only equalizer and a core pillar of any society. We will continue to disburse the bursary to ensure our children achieve their dreams,” she said.

She noted Governor Kihika recognizes and values the teaching profession, saying that is why she has allocated key positions in the government to teachers.


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Ngugi cited Deputy Governor David Kones who is a former Principal, he county Chief of Staff and number of CECMs who were once teachers.

“These teachers have had a positive impact in assisting the Governor to implement her manifesto,” she said.

The Minister pointed out that the county has also introduced a feeding programme to benefit Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) learners in all 55 wards in a bid to increase enrolment.

Ngugi indicated that they have also distributed furniture and constructed modern infrastructure in ECDE centres and TVET institutions.

By Peter Otuoro

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