OCHIENG’: How to position Form 3s for peak performance in KCSE exams

Victor Ochieng'.

As the candidate class of 2024 prepares to write KCSE exams, secondary schools that plan properly are now strategizing for the candidate class of 2025. As a peripatetic speaker, I chose to sit and write about it at the Penman Centre in Nairobi. Permit me to abut my argument on the wise words of William Arthur Ward. He spelt out four steps to great achievement as: One, plan purposefully. Two, prepare prayerfully. Three, proceed positively. And four, pursue persistently.

By and large, Form Threes need a candid conversation to position them for peak performance in KCSE. They need a serious academic talk that can convince their conscience that they are the next candidate class. The main objective should be: to help them wear the right mindset and remain focused like laser beams.

On positioning; Babies position themselves before they are born; World-class athletes position themselves for major races; Planes position themselves before take off. Likewise, a prince in the wrong place can look like a slave. A soccer player in the wrong position will fail to play properly. A genius who is in the wrong place will also fail to evince ingenuity and creativity.

So, straight into it. How can schools position the Form Threes for peak performance in KCSE 2025? Let us get down to the brass tacks of this piece.

  1. Serve a standard promotional exam

In actual sense, in Best Academic Practices, most schools begin exposing Form Threes to full papers in Term Three. It is the Promotional Exam. This prepares them psychologically that they are walking into an examination class. For in Form Four, after syllabus coverage, the academic episodes will be this tripartite arrangement: Teach, test, re-teach. Testing will focus more on shedloads of exams. Aptly put, schools that blaze the academic trail, complete the syllabus at the right time. Then, they run an Examination System. So far, serious schools identify raft of exams their Form 4 candidates will write as a way of practising and preparing for KCSE.

  1. Focus on proper syllabus coverage

Let us dig deeper on matters syllabi and its completion. In Best Academic Practices, teachers should complete the Form Three syllabus in Form Three. Then, if possible, there should be no spillovers of Form Three work to Form Four. If possible, there should be introduction of Form Four syllabus in Form Three. Advisedly, teachers can point-out simple topics Form Threes can do on their own during the November/December Holiday. This is also the best time to read and grasp the plots (story lines) of KCSE set books for both English and Kiswahili.

  1. Advise them on wise use of holiday

Proverbs 4:7 says, “Wisdom is the principal thing, in all your dealings seek understanding.” During the long November/December Holiday, Form Threes going to Form Four have the latitude. They can choose to be wise or become otherwise. Indeed, they were born without choice, but they live by choice.

In Gem of Siaya, where I was born and brought up, our elders with presence of sense say: Choices have consequences. William Jennings also observed, “Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.” Wise Form Threes preparing to pick the mantle of candidature should remain conscious of climes and times. Even when holed up at home during the festive season, they should strive to balance three things: Home chores, personal study and leisure time.

For a Form Three ambling to the candidate class, wise use of the holiday is worth it all. Within the three thematic areas, I have cited, somehow, holiday is the time to bond better with family members. It is the right time to read widely. They should spare ample time during the holiday to read KCSE set books. They should make wise use of all forms of media – print, electronic and social. They should engage in edutainment — forms of entertainment that are also educative.

Moreover, during the holiday, they should complete the assignments and compare notes with peers from other schools. In addition, they should learn from right role models and mentors. Advisedly, they should participate in church activities like seminars, camps, conferences and missions. Then, it is wise to discover, nurture and develop their talents, gifts and skills


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  1. Coin the class identity

In order to arouse a strong sense of synergy, teamwork, unity of purpose and mastermind alliance in Form Threes poised to be KCSE candidates, it is wise to come up with class identities. This, in a larger sense, includes class name, slogan, scripture or quote and possibly a song.

  1. Set different types of targets

Lastly, in a heroic book titled You Can Win, Shiv Khera writes about an Indian sage who had two disciples. He wanted to teach them the Art of Archery. He placed the model of a wooden bird on a twig of a tree. He called the first disciple, and asked him about what he saw. The disciple responded that he saw the sapphire sky, tree, twig and bird. When asked to shoot the eye of the bird, the arrow went but missed the eye of the bird. Then, it was the turn of the second disciple. When asked what he saw, he responded that he saw nothing, but the eye of the bird. When asked to shoot, interestingly, the arrow went straight and hit the eye of the bird. Back to the debate about targets. I think Form Threes going to Form Four should set different types of targets. Foremost, there should be the class target, which is the school mean score. Secondly, serious students should set their individual targets. Thirdly, they should set the school recognition target. This third target focuses on the academic standing of the class in the sub-county, county and country.

© Victor Ochieng’

The writer rolls out academic and career talks. vochieng.90@gmail.com. 0704420232.

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