Narok governor hands over ECDE classrooms to community as pledged

Narok Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu demonstrates in one of the newly completed ECDE classrooms. He has honoured the pledge he made during political campaigns in 2022.

Narok County Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu has handed over newly-completed ECDE classrooms to the community as he had promised during campaigns in the run up to the 2022 General Elections.

He said that the modern and quality classrooms will greatly give the pupils a conducive environment that will enable them to study well and improve their performance in future.

One of the classrooms that Governor Ntutu opened and handed over to the community.

Ntutu officially opened ECDE classrooms at Nkurumet, Kutete, Katet Primary schools, Olamerikai at Chemaluktany village, Ilmotiok ECDE, and a classroom at Ring’wa Secondary School.

He said that these were the projects that were prioritized in the previous financial year and this reflects the commitment of the county’s administration.


Environmentalist to walk 372km as part of her fruit tree campaign in schools

By Nancy Masit

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