Monitor your children during the holidays, parents told

Students heading home for holiday. Parents in Elgeyo Marakwet have been urged to closely monitor their children.

Parents in Elgeyo Marakwet have been urged to closely monitor their children during the holidays to prevent them from acquiring wayward behaviors.

Principal Salina Kipkeu from St. Paul’s High School Kapchelos said that risky behaviors were bound to not only ruin the children’s education but their future as well.

According to Kipkeu, children mostly involve themselves in such behaviors while at home, since their parents are too busy to have ample time with them.

“Children usually indulge in irresponsible behaviours which can even ruin their future while at home. Parents should therefore ensure they closely monitor their children to avoid such,” she noted.

Speaking at the school, she appealed for concerted efforts in shaping children into responsible adults, stating the role should not be left to parents alone.


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She pointed out that children should not be allowed to loiter, but should instead be kept busy in order to prevent them from criminal acts.

“In the past, children belonged to the community. If you find a child loitering around, as a parent you should correct by returning her home and advising him or her. We as ask parents and our leaders to be responsible so as to enable our children complete their education in all levels,” she observed.

Kipkeu highlighted the importance of education, further urging all stakeholders to focus on ensuring students in all academic levels complete their studies in order to improve their future.

Cases of students indulging in irresponsible behaviors are usually high during the holiday, with parents being accused of abdicating their duties.

By Kimutai Lang’at

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