MCA launches mental health campaign amid rise in suicide cases in Kisii

Masige East Ward MCA Michael Motume. He has launched a sensitization campaign on mental health as cases of suicide in Kisii region rise.

Masige East MCA Michael Motume has launched a mental wellness sensitization campaign in his Ward to curb the increasing suicide cases in the area.

He said the most affected people are students and teachers and attributed it to lack of self-control and loss of faith in God.


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Motume was speaking at Bomabacho village in Bobasi Constituency during the burial of Thomas Morekwa Okenye, a retired teacher who allegedly hanged himself because he could not pay fees for his children.

The death followed two other suicides by Dr Desree Moraa Obwogi who was working in Gatundu Hospital, and Dauglas Mogaka, 32, who reportedly committed suicide at his work station Kenya High School. The two are natives of Kisii region.

The late Dr Desiree Moraa. She took her life allegedly because of poor working conditions in Gatundu Hospital.

Until her death, the late Dr Moraa who hailed from Sameta Sub-county in Bobasi Constituency was an intern doctor at the hospital.

By Enock Okong’o

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