Makueni Sub -County Director of Education (SCDE) Yophes Magara has called upon parents to take care of their children as they head home for their holiday.
Speaking during thanksgiving event at St. Luke ACK Wote Township Primary School and Junior Secondary School (JSS) recently, Magara said the children should be kept busy at home, guided, counseled and mentored at home.
He warned parents that they should not leave all the responsibility of shaping and disciplining the children to teachers since they should play the biggest role in their children’s lives.
“To children, I call upon you to make sure that you’re always disciplined and refrain from doing things that can jeopardize your life,” he said.
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He reminded parents that Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) is not easy as many would think as it calls for concerted efforts adding that the government is there to support and continue implementing it in full.
“We are ending the 8.4.4 curriculum and continue with CBC. We want to make sure it runs well” Magara added.
By Lydia Ngoolo
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