Machakos residents warned against placing children in unregistered care homes

Machakos County Chief Officer,Office of the Governor, Mr. Charles Mutinda (in blue jacket) addressing Directors of various Children Homes outside the Governor's office in Machakos on 23rd December 2024 during the distribution of assorted foodstuffs to the Children Homes for Christmas. Photos/Stephen Muthini.

Residents in Machakos have been asked not to keep vulnerable children in unregistered homes as this is against the law.

Machakos County Chief Officer in the Office of the Governor Charles Mutinda who recently represented Governor Wavinya Ndeti during the donation of assorted foodstuffs for Christmas to various children’s homes, special institutions and People Living with Disabilities said it is wrong for individuals to keep vulnerable children without registering with the relevant authorities.

“There are people who take children and keep them in their homes and they claim those are children’s homes. It is important to understand that for you to keep anybody’s child there has to be a consent and that consent comes through registration,” said Mutinda.


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He also encouraged private children’s homes to enroll their children with public ECDE centres where the county government is providing free food and milk to the learners adding that this will reduce their operating expenses.

Mutinda accompanied by the Governor’s Advisor on Special Programmes Winnie Kivuti reiterated the government’s commitment to work with children’s homes beyond the provision of food in ensuring their medical care and counseling support are provided.


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Reverend Leah of Terry’s Children Homes in Kathiani on behalf of other institutions thanked the Governor for the kind gesture and wished her a Merry Christmas.

Children Homes in the county benefited from the donations.

She said her home host 80 children who are survivors of Gender-Based Violence which is among the programmes that the Governor was keen to support.

A total of 39 registered children’s homes, four special institutions and People Living with Disabilities across Machakos County received cooking oil and assorted foodstuffs including rice and wheat flour for Christmas.

By Stephen Muthini.

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