Machakos Women Representative Joyce Kamene has established a computer school and resource centre in Kwa Mwaura Ward in Matungulu Sub-county to help residents upgrade their skills in computing.
Kamene founded the Kwa Mwaura Digital Resource Centre this year to help residents who are unable to pay for training at conventional institutions.
The institution attracted 130 learners both young and old who yesterday graduated with certificates in Computer Packages after being trained for two months.
“I have opened doors for all residents in the Ward. One of the graduates is over 55 years while the youngest is 17 years,” said the lawmaker.

She challenged rural people to equip themselves with computer skills so as to transfer the knowledge to their children at an early age.
Kamene said the world had gone digital and anyone without knowledge of computers was bound to miss out on opportunities.
She also advised women and youth to form self-help groups with the aim of initiating viable businesses in order to boost their income and create more job opportunities.
She also asked Form Four leavers who did not qualify for university to join technical colleges.
Parents in Busia urged to play their parental roles to stem teen pregnancies
By Gastone Valusi
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