Corporal punishment is one of – if not ‘the’ – most horrific man-made diseases known. Its origin is unknown. Despite social media claims, there’s absolutely no truth in the rumour it was manufactured in a Wuhan laboratory. Corporal punishment had plagued the world long before even the thought of a Wuhan had reached the architect’s drawing board.
With commonsense in short supply, and ignorance masterly seizing control, corporal punishment rapidly gained momentum and spread from being a manageable epidemic to a concerning pandemic, much to the disgrace of humanity.
The demonic scourge has tortured children worldwide for years. Millions of children worldwide have suffered from the horrific effects of the dreaded disease. Many have even died of it. A decade has yet to be born that is corporal punishment-free.
Corporal punishment is a disease that’s predominately transmitted from an ignorant adult to an innocent child and many children, irrespective of their race, creed or sex, are particularly susceptible to contracting and suffering horribly from its dire effects.
Homes, schools and madrasahs are well known environments for its incubation, growth and transmission, but practically anywhere there are children under the supervision of adults, an outbreak can occur.
Of all the children affected by the disease, adults have been found solely responsible. Extensive research worldwide has proved that if the children had no contact with adults, they would be completely safe from ever contracting the disease and guaranteed to enjoy a happy childhood and go on to live a happy life, as God intended.
Without warning, a wrong word here or there could trigger the amalgam of events to flare up and become lethal, similar to Acetone and Peroxide when mixed. There have been many reported incidences of pain, humiliation and regret that ultimately follow.
The children without exception, of course, have no hope of winning. They are no match for the intimidating overlords, the powerful ignorance they possess, and especially those who repeatedly recite the ‘might is right’ mantra.
Children always come off worst, especially in a nation that has no legislation against corporal punishment and where the children cannot seek police intervention, protection or justice.
Someone is yet to convince me that corporal punishment is beneficial to children, but I know it makes no sense. Ignorance itself is a perfect state of mind, but spoils quickly if confronted by knowledge and truth. It’s like a rose; touch one of its petals and the bloom goes forever.
Any nation wise enough to realize that children are its future would be downright careless or woefully amiss not to do all in its power to protect their most valued asset, as one would a priceless possession.
Although decades have passed immersed in callous ignorance, it’s never too late to make change and save future generations from the scourge. If we sincerely want to build better nations worldwide, we first need to wake up to the reality that there is need to protect children from mental illnesses, heartbreaks and tears caused by the despicable corporal punishment, which benefits no one and must be stopped.
Sir Frank Peters
(Sir Frank Peters is a former newspaper and magazine publisher and editor, an award-winning writer, humanitarian, and human rights activist)
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