KUPPET repeats call to move Grade 9 to secondary school

Mary Rotich at a function in Kericho town, where she repeated calls to have Grade 9 domiciled in secondary school.

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has repeated calls to have Grade 9 domiciled in secondary school.

The union’s Kericho Branch Secretary Mary Rotich argued that secondary schools have sufficient facilities as additional space has been created with the absence of form one.

“We want to ask that Grade 9 be domiciled in secondary schools, which have enough facilities and with the absence of form ones, everything is well,” she said.

She lauded the recent confirmation of 46,000 teachers and the planned hiring of 20,000 more in January, a move she said will help boost academic standards in the country.

Speaking in Kericho town, she however rooted for the hiring of additional teachers, saying schools will get a maximum of two once the hired ones are deployed.


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“The confirmation of 46,000 teachers and planned hiring of 20,000 more in January is a move in the right direction. We however appeal for the hiring of more tutors because the country is still facing a huge shortage,” she observed.

She decried the delayed deployment and retooling of teachers who are trained under 8-4-4 system to align with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), noting that no communication has been made so far.

Rotich also appealed for the timely distribution of learning materials to schools and completion of Junior School (JS) classrooms to ensure smooth learning.

She also urged parents from the region to closely monitor their children during the holidays, noting that they are the society’s future hope.

By Kimutai Lang’at

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