KUPPET calls TSC to hire interns on permanent terms

Baringo KUPPET branch Chairman David Kibet

The Baringo branch of Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has issued a call to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), urging them to employ intern teachers on permanent and pensionable terms.

Speaking during the Baringo branch general assembly held at Ossen Girls Secondary School grounds in Baringo County, The branch Chairman, David Kibet emphasized that the one-year period agreed upon by the intern teachers had lapsed, and he argued against its non-renewal.

“Failure to do so may lead to an industrial action scheduled for January 2024,” he stated.

The intern teachers in question were initially recruited on a one-year contract.

He highlighted KUPPET’s continuous efforts to advocate for teachers’ rights that may have been violated by the employer, TSC.

Additionally, Kibet urged the Kenya National Examinations Council to increase the perks provided to invigilators, supervisors, center managers, and their deputies.

He expressed regret that teachers face numerous challenges, such as crossing flooded rivers during the rainy season and navigating areas inhabited by wild animals and reptiles to reach their examination centers for the successful delivery of KCSE examinations.

Acknowledging the teachers’ dedication, the chairman thanked them for their tireless efforts in maintaining quality education standards in schools.

“Together, we have championed for fair teachers’ salaries, improved working conditions, and stood strong against winds of change that threaten the noble teaching profession,” noted Kibet.

Encouraging unity of purpose among teachers in advocating for their rights, he emphasized the significance of reflecting on union activities during the branch governing assembly.

The branch Executive Secretary, Zachariah Nyomboi Kipsaina, echoed this sentiment, stating, “We have convened here today to bring our minds together, assess our past year, and strengthen our future undertakings as we strive to make KUPPET Baringo branch great and a source of pride for our members.”

Regarding union projects, Nyomboi reported that the branch had purchased computers for the teachers’ center, with plans to assemble them for use.

He encouraged members to continue saving funds for the eventual purchase of a union welfare bus.

The branch treasurer, Fanuel Kipsoi, presented the financial report, which was adopted, and the branch membership passed the 2024 financial budget.

By Enock Kipturgut

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