KUPPET Bomet decries transfer of teachers out of the county

KUPPET officials in Bomet. Though delocalization has been abolished, they say their teachers are being transferred away from their county.

Bomet Branch of KUPPET has decried what it terms as illegal transfer of teachers out of the county.

Branch Executive Secretary Paul Kimetto wondered why the transfers continue yet they had been abolished.

Speaking in Bomet town, he stated that the transfers have greatly demoralized teachers and led to family break-ups.

“Delocalization has been abolished and we are concerned about the transfer of teachers out of our county. This is unacceptable and must be stopped with immediate effect,” he said.

He also accused education officials transferred to the region of harassment and arrogance, vices he said curtail efforts to improve academic standards in the region.

Kimetto further took issue with elected leaders from the region, castigating them for allowing the transfers to continue.

“We are privileged to have wise leaders from this county. Sad enough, illegal transfers have been going on and as a union, we want to ask where these leaders are when teachers’ rights are being violated,” added Kimetto.

The union now wants the transfers revoked immediately, threatening to call teachers to down their tools in the next few days.

Delocalization, whose demerits teachers stated , was abolished following the intervention of Parliament, with TSC promising to ensure equitable distribution of teachers across the country.


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By Kimutai Lang’at

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