KUPPET asks Govt to allocate more funds for promotion of stagnated teachers

KUPPET Busia Executive Secretary Moffats Okisai (with phone) following proceedings during the Union ADC in Murang'a on December 10, 2022. Photo: File

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Busia has asked the Government through the National Treasury to allocate more funds on the promotion of teachers who have stagnated in one job group for long in the current 2024/2025 budget making process.

Speaking to Education News recently, KUPPET Busia Executive Secretary Moffats Okisai stated that the recent promotion of 36,505 teachers was a total irony since those teachers who had stagnated and acted as Deputies for a long period were left out.

“We want to appeal to the Government to at least in the next budget cycle, they put more money for promotion of teachers because the very needy cases who have really stagnated were not really considered in the recent promotions done by the employer, TSC,” said Okisai.

According to Okisai, the promotion score guide for the Commission which was used to score the teachers during the promotional interviews highly favoured teachers who had acted for long and that most of them were hoping to be promoted and confirmed to new grades, which didn’t happen.


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“According to TSC marking, most of them were meeting the requirement. If somebody had acted, there were marks allocated, so those who had acted for long were sure of promotion. To our surprise, such cases were just left out!” wondered Okisai.

“A teacher has acted as a Deputy, has been at Grade C5, the teacher is sure of promotion and there after being confirmed. To their surprise another person is brought in as a substantive appointed Deputy, and the teacher who has acted is left out; the teacher is automatically demoralised,” he added.

Okisai read mischief in the TSC promotional list of 36,505 teachers wondering how teachers who have retired while some have died find themselves in the list released by the Commission, adding that this will be misused by some quotas to give promotional letters to those who didn’t deserve.

“If you look at the list of promoted teachers, some have already retired! TSC number series ‘17…’, ‘18…’, even ‘20…’; those have already retired…later on, you will start learning of promotional letters being released behind the scene,” said Okisai.

By Hezron Roy

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