KUPPET: 99 per cent of JSS in Malindi,  Magarini lack Science labs

KNUT Kilifi Executive Secretary Moses Mramba. File photo

Ninety-nine per cent of the Junior Secondary Schools (JSS) in Malindi and Magarini sub counties in Kilifi County have no Science laboratories, Education News has reliably learned.

Speaking to Education News in his office in Malindi town recently, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Malindi branch Executive Secretary, Moses Mramba who is also KNUT, Kilifi Chairman stated that the prevailing situation is worrying, arguing that this year’s Grade 9 learners in schools have no Science laboratories to conduct their tests.

He, however, revealed that the learning environment in schools in the county is not conducive at all due to lack of essential learning facilities.

he added that immediate measures should therefore be taken by all education stakeholders in the region to improve learning facilities in schools to enhance effective teaching and learning respectively.

Mramba further blamed parents and leaders for the poor performance in national examinations. “This is due to their failure to provide physical learning facilities in schools,” he explained.

The Executive Secretary asked county residents to cooperate fully with local leaders to equip the schools with the necessary facilities to improve academic performance.

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He also advised parents and leaders in the area to stop blaming teachers for dismal national examination results instead they should be visiting schools to know exactly where the problem is.

At the same time, he asked secondary school head teachers in the county to form guidance and counseling departments in the respective schools, further saying this would equally help to reduce strikes.

When contacted for comments, Malindi Sub-county Director of Education, Rashid Robir admitted that Science laboratories in JSS in are yet to be constructed.

He further confirmed that the government has already built several classrooms in schools in the sub-county to enhance effective operations.

By  Tsozungu  Kombe

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