Kinango Secondary temporarily closed after night riot

Kinango Secondary School in Kwale County has been temporarily closed after students rioted last night.

Kinango Secondary School in Kwale County has been temporarily closed following a student strike that erupted late last night, leading to unrest.

According to a police report, the incident took place shortly after midnight.

The area sub-county police commander, Jane Munywoki, confirmed that the strike was instigated by a group of students who expressed dissatisfaction with their academic workload, demanding a break to go home.

“It was established that the unrest began at around 12:40 a.m., with some students claiming they were exhausted from studying and asking to be sent home for a break,” Munywoki stated.


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The situation escalated, forcing the school administration to seek intervention from local authorities, leading to the school’s temporary closure to restore order and ensure safety.

The security team moved in swiftly and contained the situation. The team was led by Munywoki.

According to a police report, the students broke glass window panes of some classes and dormitories whose estimated value is yet to be established.

The report further said that a roll call was conducted and out of the 1309 students, 182 were not present; 98 form ones, 49 form twos, 20 form three, 15 form fours.

Preliminary police investigations indicate that the missing students are suspected to have proceeded home.

According to the report, no serious injuries were reported during the incident and more investigations are underway.

Parents and guardians were notified and students were asked to leave the premises until further notice.

However, some students spotted going home reported that the strike was started by form fours.

“Some of the form four told us to carry our important things while going to sleep; later at night we had chaos,” said a student in a matatu.

By Shaban Omar 

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