Kiharu CDF in Murang’a to offer free driving and hospitality courses to over 1300 youth

Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro addresses residents at Kiharu Technical and Vocational College. Photo courtesy

Kiharu NG-CDF has introduced short courses for the youth in the constituency aimed at helping them acquire marketable skills.

The area MP Ndindi Nyoro said the short courses will be managed by Kiharu Technical and Vocational College and it will have satellite colleges in Murang’a and Kahuro towns to reach the youth in the vast constituency.

Courses to be funded targeting hundreds of the youth include driving and hospitality.

Ndindi during the disbursement of bursary kitty to the learners at Kiharu Technical Vocational College on Wednesday July 8 said CDF will procure three driving school instructors’ vehicles that will be under the control of the institution.

“The driving school targets to train 500 youth and hospitality 800 students. The students at the college will also benefit from driving skills,” said Ndindi.


Self-protection in harmful and violent relationships

In the hospitality courses, the MP said CDF will procure the equipment needed to facilitate the training.

Jamleck Kuria, a youth in Murang’a town said he will register to benefit from the courses.

Kuria, who completed his secondary education last year, said the cost to acquire the much needed courses was out of reach to many of the families due to the prevailing harsh economic conditions.

“I have been seeking assistance to enroll  for a hospitality course but my parents have not been in a position,” said Kuria.

Julia Wambui, a parent, appreciated the efforts by the MP for the support to the youth saying there was need for the leaders to initiate efforts to salvage the community.

“The youth require a lot of support from the leaders  to ensure they acquire the rightful skills to match into the future,” said Wambui, a mother of two teenagers.

By our reporter

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