KICD warns parents, schools of fake textbooks

Prof Charles Ong’ondo, KICD CEO

Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has warned parents, teachers, learners, and other stakeholders against the use of textbooks that have not been approved by the institute.

In a statement, Prof Charles Ong’ondo, KICD CEO has advised all education stakeholders to use textbooks that are approved so as not to mislead students with unathorised content.

 The CEO has said that there are unscrupulous businesspeople who are out to mislead and sell their materials that are not approved by KICD to unsuspecting parents and teachers.

“They are taking advantage of the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) to misdirect parents and teachers for their own selfish gains. The public should be aware of such individuals and insist of authentic authorizations before any engagement,” he said.

“We need to guide our children and ensure that they are exposed to relevant content, appropriate to their ages and levels,” cautioned Prof. 

KICD early this year released a full list of approved textbooks for schools.

“Let children be children, not overloading them with materials that are not CBC-related,” said Prof Ong’ondo.

he added that use of non-approved KICD curriculum support materials in schools is in contravention of Section 27 of the KICD Act 2013.

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KICD is a government agency established by the Government of Kenya under Act No. 4 of 2013 and is mandated to develop, review, and approve programs, curricula, and curriculum support materials that meet international standards for Basic and Tertiary Education and Training.

By Joseph Mambili

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