Keep off schoolgirls in long holiday, Director warns sex predators

Kuresoi South SCDE, Doneth Atieno.

Kuresoi South Sub County Director of Education (SCDE) has issued a stern warning against men who prey on schoolgirls, guaranteeing that culprits will face the law.

SCDE Doneth Atieno regretted that many girls in the area drop out of school after primary education due to early pregnancies.

Atieno implored parents to closely monitor their girls during the December holiday to curb the menace and ensure they continue learning.

“As our girls go for long holiday, please take good care of them, take full responsibility and monitor their activities,” she said.

She was speaking at Kapsimbeiywo Secondary School in Keringet ward while supervising Home Science planning practicals ahead of the KCSE practical paper that will run from October 28 to 30.

From right: DCC Malak Namai, Donet Otieno and security head after opening the Home Science container

Atieno condemned parents for abdicating their guidance roles to teachers and thus exposing them to society ills when out of school.

“We don’t want to have Kuresoi South leading in early pregnancies and early marriages, we have heard some parents marrying off their girls, we shall not take it lightly, we shall team up with other government agencies to take action,” she warned.

The school principal said that they have given sufficient assignments to the students and hope the parents will give moral support to them to undertake the assignments and keep their education on track.


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Speaking at the same event, Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Malak Namai said that there is a major challenge of transportation of exams due to shortage of vehicles.

“The ongoing rains have made most of the roads in the constituency impassable and could hamper effective transportation of the materials,” he said.

He noted that a total of 13 students across the constituency will sit for the practical exams.

By William Sawe

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