Katoloni High students to return to school tomorrow after dorm fire

Students of Katoloni High School in Machakos county are expected back in school tomorrow to continue learning.

The learners were picked up by their parents on Sunday after a fire that razed the boys’ dormitory on Saturday night.

Speaking after the release of the students, the County TSC Director, Margaret Mwirigi said that the school was not closed only that parents had picked up their children for counseling and will be brought back by Tuesday to continue learning.

The fire, which occurred during evening preps at 9:00 pm, consumed a dormitory that hosted 193 students, burning beds and other personal effects.

Although no injuries were reported, some students who experienced trauma were taken to Machakos Level 5 Hospital for treatment and counseling.

The Director assured parents that investigations are underway and all those who were involved will be prosecuted.

By Our Reporter

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