Kanduyi NGCDF gives Ksh54M bursaries to schools, higher learning

A dummy cheque is displayed for the Ksh54 million bursaries to schools and colleges.

Kanduyi  NGCDF  has given 8,000  students  in  secondary  school, Technical  Vocational  and  Education Training  Colleges  (TVETs)  and  universities  bursaries  worth  Ksh54  million.

Addressing  beneficiaries at  Namachanja  High  School  in  Bungoma  Township  Ward, area  legislator  John  Makali  reiterated  his  commitment  to  boosting  education  standards  through  timely  disbursement  of  funds  to  vulnerable  students.

Kimilili MP Didmus Barasa (in red cap) lends a hand to lift the dummy cheque high for all to witness.

According  to  Makali,  each  day-scholar  will  receive  Ksh5,000 as borders get Ksh8,000 and college and university students receive Ksh10,000.

“Last  year  we  gave  out  bursaries  to  5,000  learners  but  due  to  the  increased  number  of  needy  cases, the  NGCDF  has  increased  the  beneficiaries  to  8,000,” he revealed.

Consequently, Namachanja  High  School  received  tuition  fees  amounting  to  Ksh1.4  million, Kibabii  University  bagged  Ksh1,830,000 ,  Ksh2.9 million went to Bungoma National Polytechnic,  and  St  Teresa’s  Secondary  got Ksh968,000.

A section of students in one of the schools in Kanduyi during the issuance of NGCDF cheques.

Additionally,  the MP  pledged  to ensure  that  the  NGCDF  allocates  2  million shillings  for  the  construction  of  a modern  ablution  block  at  Namachanja, while  his Kimilili  counterpart  Didmus  Barasa  promised to add  a half  a  million  shillings  to  the  project.

Bungoma Education and Vocational Training CECM Dr  David Wamamili urged  parents  to  encourage  the  youth to  enroll  in  TVET  to  gain  life  skills  so  as  to bridge  the  gap of  un-employment.

Teacher promotions came up in this event when a KUPPET official Simiyu Wanjala  told  Teachers  Service  Commission (TSC)  to  show  transparency, noting  that  some  regions  are  benefitting  more  at  the  expense  of  others.





New Ksh53M dormitory in a school in Kitui unveiled

By Achola Bulimo Mathews

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