Self-image is the way you see yourself. Whereas, self-esteem is the way you feel about yourself. Self-esteem can be high or low. This write-up focuses on ways of raising and building self-self-esteem.
- Guard your self-talk
Whether you know it or not, you have a running conversation within yourself all the time. Therefore, learn to encourage yourself. Criticise yourself in the right manner. In case you are positive, then you can create a positive image. Likewise, when you become negative, you undermine your self-worth. Therefore, learn to become your own encourager and cheerleader. Every positive thing you can tell yourself will provide hope and help. In case you yearn to change your life, then it behooves you to change the way you think about yourself. In case you want to change the way you think about yourself, you need to change the way you talk to yourself.
- Stop comparing yourself to others
Two things happen when you compare yourself with someone else. Either you perceive the other person to be far ahead of you. This can discourage or make you perceive to be better than the other person by far. Comparing yourself with others is just a needless distraction. In actual sense, the only person you should compare yourself to is yourself. Your mission should be to become better, brighter and smarter today. You only achieve that it when you focus on what you can become today and forget about the person you were yesterday.
- Move beyond your limiting beliefs
The greatest limitations people experience in their lives are usually the ones they impose on themselves. Charles Schwab put it aptly, “When a man has put a limit on what he will do, he has put a limit on what he can do.” At the end, it is not what you are that holds you back, but it is what you think you are not. You can do the following things in order to overcome your limiting beliefs: Identify a limiting belief you feel you ought to change. Determine how the belief limits you. Decide how you want to be, act, or feel. Motivate yourself. Have faith.
- Add value in others
Only people with low self-esteem focus on themselves. They are self-protective and selfish because they feel that they have to be in order to survive and thrive. The vice versa is also true about people with high self-esteem. Yet, making a difference — even just a scintilla of it — in the lives of other people; will act as a growth vitamin to your self-esteem. It is hard to feel bad about yourself when you are doing something good for someone else. Adding value in other people’s lives makes them value you more. It creates a cycle of positive feeling from one person to another.
- Do the right thing
When you concentrate on doing what is right, your worth soars like an eagle. It attracts a great sense of fulfillment and contentment. Then, when you fail to do the right thing, guilt and regret nags your conscience. This makes you feel bad about yourself. You may also lie to yourself in the bid to convince yourself.
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Every time you engage in an action that builds your character, you become a stronger person. The harder the task, the greater the character formation process. Positive character spills into every sphere of your life. It imbues you with courage to do more, becoming more.
- Practise daily discipline
In case there is an area in your life that seems overwhelming to you — health, work, family, or something else — try chipping away at it a little bit every day instead of trying to tackle it all at once. Since your self-worth is entrenched on positive habits, actions, and decisions you practise on daily basis, you can build your self-esteem and tackle your biggest problems at the same time. Do not fret about it. Instead, do something about it. Discipline is a morale builder. Boost yours by taking small breakthrough steps that will steer your life towards the stunning shores.
- Celebrate small victories
When you do the right thing or you take a small step in the right direction, you should celebrate it. You should not have trouble celebrating small victories. Just the way you would not have trouble celebrating big victories. Taking time to celebrate is good for you. If nothing is ever good enough, you can lose heart. Celebrating encourages you. It inspires you to keep going. Therefore, do not underestimate its puissance.
- Embrace positive vision for your life
In case you have a positive vision for your life, and you take action to fulfil that vision, you will more readily recognise that your life matters. If you do not have a vision, you are likely to be apathetic.
- Take responsibility for your life
We tend to get in life what we are willing to tolerate. In case we allow others to disrespect us, we ultimately get the disrespect. In case we tolerate abuse, we get the abuse. Then, when we do not plan and infuse our lives with purpose, we will become part of someone else’s. Your life can change. You can make a difference. You can become the person you envision to be. You just need to believe in yourself to get started. Then, every time you take a step. Think positively. Make a good choice. Keep moving forward. Keep believing.
- Know your true source of value
Your value is not in your valuables. In the same token, your worth is not in your net worth. The Bible says that we are gods, and we shall reign on earth. (Psalms 82:6). He has made us kings and queens and we shall reign on earth. (Revelation 1:6). We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and peculiar people. (1 Peter 2:9). We are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)
By Victor Ochieng’
The writer rolls out talks and training services. 0704420232
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