Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has streamlined the process of applying for the statement of results for individuals seeking to confirm their exam results for further studies, employment, and promotion purposes as part of the requirements by organisations.
In an announcement by KNEC, seen by Education News, the process is done online through the Query Management Information System (QMIS).
The procedure for application of results confirmation is as follows; an individual is required to register an account in the QMIS portal link at or through ecitizen.
Once logged in, an individual is required to log in with the credentials sent to their email, the select confirmation option from the menu.
The individuals are required to enter their index number, exam, year of exam and fill in the organisation requesting confirmations details and address.
Once done, they will attach a copy of the certificate/results slip/ result printout then upload the applications and wait for the system to generate the payment details.
The council will communicate on the status and give you payment information to pay the all fees for the letter to be dispatched to the organisation.
Similarly, KNEC announced that for those individuals who may have damaged or lost their certificate through theft, or natural calamities like the recent floods which saw a good number of victims lose their assets with certificates included they can process for new ones so that they don’t miss out on opportunities.
The certificates issued by KNEC include the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE), issued to students who have completed their primary education from class one to eight.
The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) issued to students who have completed their secondary education (Form 1- Form 4) in Kenya as well as those of post-secondary education such as Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), business and Teachers Training Certificates (TTC).
KNEC announced that applications for academic certificates replacement are done through KNEC’s online portal, the Query Management Information System (QMIS).
KNEC will issue you with a Certification of Examination Results letter that acts as a duplicate certificate once your application has been processed and all required documents are verified.
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Required documents to submit with your application to replace lost/damaged KNEC certificates include; a copy of the lost certificate or result slips which are required for all examinations except the KCPE exams from year 1926 to 2012. (KCPE exams result slips from year 2013 obtained from the KNEC website/system are acceptable).
Legal Affidavit obtained from an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, police abstract, passport size photo, confirmation of the applicant’s identification from the registrar of persons.
A copy of both sides of Identification Card (ID) with those below 18 years asked to produce copies of their birth certificates, which should be submitted with a copy of the parent/guardian’s Identification Card (ID) or passport.
Individuals are required to register an account at then log in with their credentials sent to their emails.
Once logged in, they should select lost certificate option from the menu, fill in the index number, type of exam and year then click find before proceeding to attach the documents mentioned above.
Then they will receive a notification to log and make payment which is KSh5, 220 then check on the system to know the status of application.
For any inquiries, applicants can call KNEC helpline 0720741004/0732333566.
By Vostine Ratemo
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