The ongoing primary and secondary schools Term Two ball games are good for the young learners’ physical health.
After spending too much time in the classrooms, the sports calendar provides learners with the best time to refresh their minds through the co-curricular activities.
The skills exhibited in football, volleyball, netball, handball among others clearly shows that our learners possess a lot of talent which if nurtured well will propel the players to a higher level.
Another important aspect in sports is the teacher participation during sports days which builds confidence among the players and a sense of discipline and motivation.
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Teachers’ participation in sports ensures that learners acquire the required knowledge, skills and attitude. The knowledge part enables the players to understand the type of game they are engaging in.
The skills on the other hand enables the learner to use the items in the field like balls properly while the attitude aspect enables the learner to build the team work among the players.
Well nurtured talents have seen many players become national and international players.
Therefore, it is the responsibility of teachers and the trainers to properly nurture the learners’ talents which will assist them socially and economically.
Generally, the Curriculum Based Competence is providing the best opportunity for the learners to explore their talents.
By Martin Ruto
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