How schools can tackle the challenge of homosexuality

Victor Ochieng'

Homosexuality is an ‘orientation’ towards same sex romantic feelings and behaviour. Female homosexuals are lesbians. While male ones are gays. Schools treat homosexuality cases as indiscipline. Homosexuality compromises school safety. It also besmirches school image.

Sometimes, homosexuality is in the area like bacteria, but we remain quiet about it. You must have read or heard: Kenya has three official languages — English, Kiswahili and Silence. Yet, Martin Luther King (MLK) warned: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” We should sensitise students that homosexuality is outside African cultural context.

Somewhat, it is social deception spreading through ‘subliminal seduction’, where advertisers use sophisticated Freudian, Jungian and Gestalt techniques to send messages to consumers at a level below conscious awareness. Through social deception, wrong becomes right. No wonder, in the distant past, Saint Augustine of Hippo observed: “Right is right even when no one is doing it. Wrong is wrong even when everyone is doing it.”

In this essay, I can say, the six stages of social deception include: Shocker, outrage, discussion, tolerance, acceptance and veneration. Deceivers dropped the shocker that there is nothing wrong with a woman marrying a woman. Or a man marrying a man. An outrage followed suit. Proponents received scathing attacks as they defended their new-fangled stand. Evil started percolating into minds of people the way water swishes into tanks.

Then, discussion followed, where some fell into the ditch of deception. Now, lure of lucre is enticing some people. In Kenya, we have heard of court cases on the matter. Any sane person can also see the tragedy of many men acting like women in the name of comedy. We think it is funny. Yet, it is a threat to the young generation. Too true. Things are going south. Talking of tolerance, a parent may say, thank God my son is not a faggot. So, I not care what other children are. Then, some invoke science. Leading to the debate about ‘Sexual Orientation’: the ostensible argument that some people are born as members of the alphabet community. We rush to quote UN Human Rights Charter.


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Activists talk about it. Nations ‘legalise’ it in their Justice Systems. Powerful nations impose economic and travel sanctions on countries against it. Acceptance and veneration — focuses on entrenching it at social level. On acceptance, homosexuality becomes a conventional alternative way of living where against it becomes old-fashioned and intolerant. On veneration, homosexuals get plenty of plaudits. Misleading media, describe them as cool and good. In the West, it is at the last stage — veneration. Guess where it is in Kenya.

Sadly, forms of sexual perversion like nudity take that diabolical dimension. Consider women with absence of sense who dress scantily: revealing many acres of their bodies to the public, but blatant it as they chant: My dress, My Choice. Yet, it is Monkey See, Monkey Do Syndrome.

When gullible girls see that they think it is fashionable. Yet, our daughters should know nudity or exhibitionism is seen as sin. Moreover, in an unputdownable book I pored over titled Sexual Perversion: An Evangelical Approach, Rev Dr Gang Pam (2001) cogently contends: “There are three things permeating, controlling, influencing, dictating and dominating society — Power, money and sex.” He explains sinful sexual behaviour like homosexuality, fornication, adultery, incest, bestiality, voyeurism, masturbation and watching pornography.

Therefore, you do not need giant intellect to detect it. As a practising Christian, I can join Dr Gang Pam to say: In Judeo-Christian heritage, homosexuality is not good because it is bad. Apostle Paul penned in Romans 1:18-26. I paraphrase: “…So, their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.

Likewise, men abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lusts for one another.” Leviticus 18:22 warns: “Do not commit homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman is detestable sin.” Leviticus 20:13 says: “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death. Their blood will be on their own heads.”

Moreover, in unfortunate twist of fate, sodomy destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19. Two ethereal celestial beings — Angels ― visited Lot. Not at night or midnight. But at twilight. Lot accommodated them, but before they retired to bed, men intended to sleep with them. Lot went out, lambasted them, and was ready to offer his two chaste and virgin daughters far from age of consent. When they threatened to break the door, Angels made them become blind like bats.

Then, it is right to write. Homosexuality is also behavioural. In a heroic book I read recently, titled: Welcome to Your Brain, co-authors Dr Sandra Aamodt and Dr Sam Wang argue: “Life history influences how people express their sexuality.” Sociologists and Psychologists posit that there are more cases of homosexuality among guests of state in prisons, which are consequences of confining same sex together for long.

This explains the essence of mid-term and end of term breaks in schools. There should be frequent interactions among boys and girls in schools to enhance emotional stability. Let there be more inter-school activities such as games, sports, music, dance, drama, dinner, contests and symposia.

Finally, schools should invite informed speakers to address such issues. Schools should constitute deft departments of Guidance and Counselling. Teacher-counsellors should take note of contemporary issues. Peer Counsellors should be identified and trained. Deputy principals and Discipline Committees should not compromise when handling indiscipline cases. Principals should invest in proper training of Student Councils. School sponsor (Church) and guest preachers should confront this social deception through sound teachings. Pious people should pray for sanity in schools. Boarding department should remain vigilant and strict. Through evolution, not revolution — schools should shift from entertainment to edutainment — entertainment plus education.

By Victor Ochieng’

The writer rolls out talks and training services. He also trains Student Councils and Peer Counsellors in schools. 0704420232

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