In every Form 4 candidate class preparing for KCSE, there are students struggling to get it right. There are those who are struggling in all subjects. Then, there are students struggling to access success in some specific subjects. School arrowheads and teachers should be concerned about the grade of every Form 4 candidate because they have a target to hit. So, while analysing any exam, they examine distribution of grades: Head and tail. More so, the size of the head or tail. Schools fatten the head by pushing top achievers to score more. Likewise, they reduce the size of the tail by assisting struggling students to access success. How do they do it?
- Pairing them up with top achievers
Pairing up learners enhances peer teaching, which is a content mastery strategy. Top achievers should not see it as a sheer waste of time. For both occidental and oriental knowledge acknowledge: those who do not know learn, but those who know, teach. Again, a candle does not lose light by lighting another candle. In fact, it generates more light into the room. Struggling students tap a lot from the Possibility Thinking of top achievers.
- Encouraging them to revisit Form 1 and 2 content
When a Form 4 candidate score dismal grades like Ds and Es, it raises an eyebrow concerning levels of mastery of Form 1 and 2 content. Therefore, revisiting that part saves struggling students from the ignominy of poor performance. Teachers help such students by serving RATs. Somewhat, pantheon of pundits posit. A Form 4 candidate who grasps Form 1 content, stands a chance of scoring D+ (plus). When a Form 4 candidate masters Form 1 and 2 content it is possible to score a C (plain). Mastery of Form 1, 2 and 3 content entices a B- (minus). Ostensibly, based on that brilliant thought, it is clear like crystal that marvellous mastery of Form 4 content poises candidates to score straight A’s in KCSE. What is the validity of this argument? I latch onto the critical analysis of KCSE 2019. Experts assert. It was 25% Form 1 work, 25% Form 2 work, 25% Form 3 work and 25% Form 4 work. Meaning, Form 4 candidates who conseptualised Form 1 and 2 content, escaped mediocre grades such as D+ (plus) and below mark. Consequently, top achievers also missed straight A’s. Why? To them, there was no need of revising Form 1 and 2 content.
- Helping them identify simple areas they can score free marks
Too true. Some parts of the syllabus look problematic to struggling students. Albeit, there are also areas easy to grasp. This trend permeates all the subjects tested in KCSE. In addition, when doing exams, students should put plenty of premium on questions they can attempt with a lot of ease. It is imperative to note that passing exams is not about knowing everything in a particular subject. Success in any sphere of life demands that we know some specific buttons to press. It is a successful marriage of hard work and smart work.
4. Training them on the art of examination
In most cases, it is incumbent upon subject teachers, experts and examiners: To train candidates on the art of examination. This encompasses ample preparation, which is academic, psychological and spiritual. Proverbs 21:31 says: “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory comes from the Lord.” Then, there is correct interpretation of questions, shunning silly mistakes and knowing how to plot work on paper. There is the exigent need to steer clear on examination trends, format of exams and exam skills. They should make learners pay meticulous attention to marks allotted to questions and points required. Candidates need in-depth training on how to answer questions in the required depth and breadth. Then, the art of science practical should be a critical area of focus.
- Encouraging them to focus on all forms of consultation
Consultation is one of the best content mastery strategies we talk about here and there in our nation-wide academic talks. It can be one-on-one conferencing, where students visit offices to consult teachers. It can take the form of class consultation, where learners ask quality questions in class either during or at the tail-end of the lessons. It is also important to embrace group consultation and peer consultation.
- Encouraging them to take remedial lessons seriously
Remedial lessons help struggling students because teachers can focus on problematic areas requested by such students. Actually, it is during the remedial lessons that teachers endeavour to address areas performed poorly in the previous exams. Areas pointed out in the past KCSE papers and KNEC reports. Then, during remedial lessons, tutors teach both backward and forward. Therefore, when teachers expand learning time or increase contact hours by allotting ample time for remedial lessons, they achieve the stupendous strategy I can christen: Teach, test and re-teach.
- Preparing them on the Table of Specification (ToS)
Table of Specification (ToS) also known as the Test Blueprint focuses on ‘a must-come-areas’, which is in perfect agreement with syllabus objectives and KNEC assessment areas. It is imperative for subject teachers to look at every topic in various subjects and point out ‘a must-come-areas’, and prepare Form 4 candidates adequately on these areas. This absolutely, will help struggling students to get it right.
8. Helping them set realistic targets
For struggling students, they can begin with a target of a D+ (plus) in the core subjects, and target a C (plain) and above in the optional subject.
- Encouraging them not to give up
Struggling students should never give up. they should not cry, but try. They need constant encouragement. Ideally, they should not measure their academic success by how high they go up in exams, but by how they manage to rise up after every fall. Failure in any exam is not the end of life. It does not mean the chapter is closed, fate is tightly sealed, and the game is lost. Winston Churchill put it aptly: “Success is moving from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm.”
By Victor Ochieng’
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