How powerful Moi-era education minister Oloo Aringo shaped 8-4-4 system

The late Peter Oloo Aringo, Moi-era Education Cabinet minister who is seen as the father of the 8-4-4 system of education.

As the powerful minister in the Moi Cabinet of the 80s and 90s Peter Oloo Aringo passed on in a Nairobi hospital of cardiac arrest, memories come alive of his role in birthing the 8-4-4 system of education, which will be out of the scene in the next three years.

The late minister, who was 83 at his death at Aga Khan Hospital late last evening, will be remembered for his central role in the transition from the old system.

The history of Kenya’s education trajectory is incomplete without the mention of Aringo, whom many of the young generation may not know. This is peculiarly so because he is the one who midwifed the transition from the former 7-6-3 system of education to the outgoing 8-4-4.


Moi’s rich legacy in education sector

He dies at a time the 8-4-4, which he established, is coming to an end as the CBC takes charge. It was ominously spelt by the conspicuous absence of KCPE this year, the last cohort having concluded it last year.

Prince of Peace was his moniker and undisputed signature, a phrase he picked to praise his boss President Moi prior to the turmoil of agitation for multi-party democracy in the late 80s and early 90s.

Aringo was born in the 1940’s in Siaya County. He attended the famous St Mary’s Yala before proceeding to University of Nairobi for his Bachelor’s degree.

Aringo championed for 8-4-4 with an aim of providing a more pragmatic approach to learning that incorporated technical and vocational education. His blueprint was premised on preparing Kenyan learners for real life situations in the evolving world.

A modern practical lesson under the CBC. This was envisaged by the original idea of the 8-4-4 that the late Peter Oloo Aringo, Education minister during that era, midwifed in the 1980s.

As the minister for education, Aringo traversed the country in a bid to ensure that educational policies enshrined in the 8-4-4 system of education were implemented to the letter. This saw the quick transition from the old vessel that had received unmatched criticism from various stakeholders.

Nonetheless, the original practical model of 8-4-4 that Aringo advanced was later watered down to more theory and exam-orientation, perhaps the reason that the new CBC was birthed. The 8-4-4 had given way to unhealthy competition among learners and schools, later breeding cheating that has been an eyesore to KNEC even to date, especially at such a period of exams as this one we are in right now.

By our reporter

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