Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) is today expected to open its portal for scholarships and loans applications for University and Technical Vocational and Education Training (TVET) institutions hopefuls.
This is as a result of an announcement made by Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu on Monday, June 15 who revealed that the applications were due to open on Saturday, June 15, but the ministry pushed it forward due to Eid ul-Adha celebrations which took place yesterday.
Machogu launched the Higher Education Financing (HEF) Portal on July 31, 2023 which facilitates individual applications for scholarships, loans, and bursaries shortly after students receive their admission letters.
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The model aims to directly allocate higher education funds to students based on carefully curated criteria.
To qualify for application, individuals must have been placed by the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) to pursue undergraduate, diploma, craft certificate, or artisan courses at accredited public universities or TVET colleges in Kenya.
Earlier this month, the CS had directed that the scholarship and loans portal be opened in time to that the students, parents or guardians can have sufficient time to apply for the funding to ensure that no student is left out of the programme.
Under the student-centered funding model, the government revealed that the funding is in form of scholarships, loans, and parents/guardians contribution.
Parents and guardians are required to review the results which will be out at the end of next month so that they can know their allocation of funds.
By Vostine Ratemo
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