Govt asked to avail capitation funds before schools reopen 

St. Peter's Mumias Boys High School principal Chrispinus Owino wishes the government could send schools capitation before they reopen for planning purposes.

St Peter’s Mumias Boys High School Principal Chrispinus Owino has urged the government to ensure that capitation funds are available in schools when learning resumes next week.

Speaking in Kakamega town,   Owino said if the money can be sent to schools before opening on April 29, it will enable the Boards of Management (BoMs) to budget and plan for programmes.

“I am making an appeal to the Ministry of Education (MoE) to ensure that the funds for capitation are sent to schools on time,” he said.

Following the heavy rains which are flooding many parts of the country, he said as St Peter’s community, some of the students come from as far as Nairobi and Mombasa and wished the situation will turn out well.

“I hope that these floods we are experiencing at the moment will not affect our students so that we just open our schools as planned and scheduled,” he said.

The school is planning to open on Tuesday for the Forms three and four while those in the lower classes will open on Wednesday.

Owino hopes that the government will not change the opening dates.


TSC reshuffles principals in the Western region ahead of reopening of schools next week

By Hilda Atika 

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Education News - Newspaper Vol 281